Journaler & provsvar (testresults)

Här kommer journalkopior, PAD-svar och testresultat att finnas (ser någon nåt tokigt säg något):

PAD-svar 2013-02-13 (Patolog Anatomisk Diagnostik)

PAD answer in English .docx format
BiopsyAnswer – PAD1659 13

PAD-svar 2013-11-20


English: For about two years had a Cholangio Carcinoma diagnose, inoperable at the time. Only had hyperthermia treatment. Patient do not think this is right diagnose, Perefial changes in right lung, removed for diagnostic purpose.

Question: Metastases or somthing else?
MACRO: 8*4 cm wide excision of lungtissue with two, 7 and 5 mm wide, metastasis, where one is beside a little indent at pleura surface, and the other somewhat deeper.

MICRO: Histological similar picture of cancer in both samples, there the one close to the pleura to vast part consists of fibrouse tissue, with a rich part of inflammatoric cells. Fairly welldefined adenocarcinoma with tubular glandural structure of high cylindric atypical epitel. Both metastases has a vascular bransch at the edge, which can indicate  hematogenous metastasis. Additional immunochemistry shows CK7+, TTF1-, NapsinA-, CK20-, CDX2-, CEA-, CA125- PAX8- tumour.

The Morphological picture indicates more for metastases than for primary adenocarcinoma, which is supported by immunohistochemical colourings.
Primary organ can not be determined, but upper part of stomach end intestinals (pankreas and bile ducts included) is possible primary organs.

MRI (MagneticResonanceImaging) “röntgen”svar




Dropbox links to CT,  CT-PET och MR-images. OBS! Not to be used in any other purpose than diagnostics or especially approved by my. But feel free to look at them.

Contains Dicom viewer  CT urinary+IV oct 25 2010 , DX Lung Heart  nov 9 2011,  CT urinary +IV nov 10 2011, CT Aorta Thorax/Epigaster nov 10 2011,
CT Epigaster, peroral +IV march 3 2014.

Contains Dicom viewer: CT  july 3 2012 and PET scan images june 18 2012

Contains viewer: MR pictures  april 2013

Contain Dicom viewer: CT mars 12 2014 Torax




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